New Review – In Knives We Trust


The publishers  have received a new review of my novel In Knives We Trust – and I can confirm that it has not been written by anyone I know!

The story is set in Swansea during the late nineteenth century and follows Rumsey Burke, a police inspector and all round good man who tries to maintain law and order amongst the locals and visiting seaman whilst grieving for his wife and children. He is called upon to investigate the attempted murder of Mary Guy by her husband Daniel but little does he know that by doing so he will uncover plans and crimes darker than the Swansea night sky. The story was a bit of a slow burner but once it got going, I was hooked. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and loved that some of the characters were real people. The author’s note at the end of the book explains more about this and it just brought more depth to the story. Bravo Mr Brookes.

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